Your Dreams Matter
At Family Focused Financial, we believe everyone should be able to live the retirement they’ve always wanted. Our team of professionals can help you create a well-thought-out strategy, using a variety of investments and insurance products and services, designed to help you address your financial needs and concerns. We are fiduciary financial advisors, which means we act in your best interest!
Family Focused Financial's 4-Step Meeting Process
1. Getting to Know You and Fact-Finding
During our first visit, we ask a lot of questions to understand you and how your current financial plan is organized.
2. Testing and Reporting
The second time we meet, we share the results of our analysis and decide whether or not to work together.
3. Getting Started
The third time we meet, we begin paperwork that allows us to implement the changes you desire. This is when we officially begin working together.
4. Building a Plan
After you become a client, we build and execute your personalized Successful Retirement Plan that will help you reach your retirement goals.
We can help you with the following services:
Prepare for retirement by putting your hard-earned assets to work.
Pension Planning
Preserve the assets that can help you live the retirement you’ve always imagined.
Asset Preservation Strategies
Tax Reduction Strategies
Income Planning
Medicare Supplements
Long-term Care
Provide for the people and causes you care about the most.
Life Insurance
Legacy Planning
Survivor's Guide
Beneficiary Audits
Our trusted referral partners can provide you with the following services:
Power of Attorneys (POA’s)
Tax Preparation   ID Protection
For more information, practical and helpful tools, click here:
Ready to Take The Next Step?
Schedule a meeting today!